Friday, November 29, 2019

South of the Border, West of the Sun Review Essay Example

South of the Border, West of the Sun Review Paper Essay on South of the Border, West of the Sun Every living creature dies alone . of k / f Donnie Darko Murakami I did not like. I read the truth a little bit. Dance-dance-dance yes Norwegian Wood. By Murakami, I asked, when a wave of his popularity in Russia was asleep, and only for the sake of Japanese exoticism in literature. no, I certainly did not expect the samurai, geisha, and strokes of ink on parchment, and new notes Sei ShÃ… nagon. I was expecting some special emotion , which is famous for Japanese literature. This, when the silence, the silence screams hardest and decibels tearing eardrums. E for I found later in the genius Kenji Maruyama. But what to Murakami. What sort of exotic. Too Europe this Japanese. Too American. Much of it this has affected, but first of all, I think the interest in jazz. Read Murakami after Hemingway -. pointless We will write a custom essay sample on South of the Border, West of the Sun Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on South of the Border, West of the Sun Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on South of the Border, West of the Sun Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer All the more surprising was for me this novel I opened it almost nothing to do and began to read the first proposal pulled on the surface this is a story of one impossible love. . Love, stretching for a hero through the years. Parting, memories, unexpected meeting and the new Firebolt feelings. Physiologically something like for example, as a hero of the long years of pulling colon through bruised wound in the abdomen. And one day abruptly pulled all without a trace. Pain, you see, a hell. And, as is typical heroes Hemiingueya and Murakami the pain that they are not only tolerated, but only the existence of his in it see Hajime (the protagonist) once a child meets Shimamoto and fall in love with it forever. . At the age of dvendatsati years they would part, and you will see only 25 years later again. As it turns out, one almost never for a moment forget the other, each soul was drawn through the distance, but pick up the phone, and did not dare. And everyone knew that without the others life will never be complete. History, in the spirit of Wong Kar-wai South of the Border. is the name of the composition jazz musician Nat King Cole. Not understanding her words, children, our heroes imagined unknown worlds, castles in the air that there south of the border. West of the Sun the direction, which tend Siberian peasants, when they are, tormented by loneliness and infinity surrounding areas, something dies and they rush to the west of the sun. Shimamoto explain it all to you at the end of the novel But it will take years and Shimamoto know what sings Cole -. Just about Mexico. Siberian peasants have their own disease Shimamoto will own. What to Hajime a country in the south of the sun and the disease for him it all -. Shimamoto Something very personal replied this novel in me. Something very intimate. I well understood Hajime that the soul strives for something different. Something unknown. Something that is to the South of the Border, to something that is in the country, and in fact could be so will send a parable about the division of human gods into two halves only half true. They say were looking for in the other half. This is not true. We are looking for her through others. But the other half is ourselves. We are illusory. We who live in a dream of how it could be. We who settled in the country that is South of the Border, West of the Sun And thats it for this pursuit of themselves this novel.. I think so. To advise him or not? Perhaps yes, but with reservations. This novel has to lie down on the prepared soil of your soul Read the novel by Haruki Murakami:. South of the Border, West of the Sun Buy a novel by Haruki Murakami: south of the border, west of the sun PS Such literature we wrote Eugene Grishkovec. And read Murakami Grishkovtsa in tandem, perhaps, very interesting. In order to see what happens to the literature, adjusted to talent =) As in the case of a very good product is obtained (Murakami), and graphomania pure second (Grishkovets).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Deontological Teleological Theories

Deontological Teleological Theories Free Online Research Papers There are three types of ethical systems. The normative ethical system can be broken down into three categories: Deontological ethics, Teleological ethics, and Virtue ethics. In this paper I will be discussing the differences between Deontological and Teleological ethics as well as the problems with both. I will also discuss where my beliefs stand and compare them to others. Deontology derives from the Greek work â€Å"deon-†, which means â€Å"duty†, and â€Å"-ology† which means the study of. It is the approach to ethics that is mainly about the rightness or wrongness of a particular action as opposed to consequences of the action itself. It is also described as â€Å"duty† or â€Å"described† ethics. Also described as â€Å"moral absolutists†, Deontologists believe that ethics â€Å"bind you to your duty.† Morality is an absolute no matter the penalty or consequence. Basically, if you are ethical it is because you are doing what you have to according to duty. You are bound to the rules as a duty to society. The famous Immanuel Kant believed that it is always wrong to lie, no matter what the consequence(s) are. Even if someone is facing the possibility of death, and you have the opportunity to save them with a lie, that would be unethical in it’s stance. There are some ethical theories that deal with deontological studies. There is: divine command, duty theories, rights theories, contractarianism, and monistic deontology. Divine command is one of the most common beliefs of deontological theories. It is the theory that their moral obligations are to God, and no one else. An action is morally accurate when it is in agreement with the rules and duties established by God. Duty theories are morally correct if it is an accord with some list of duties or obligations. Someone would make a list of duties or obligations that they deem moral. They would then abide by those rules at any cost. No matter that the consequence, they abode by those rules (most of the time they were rules they found directly from the Bible). Rights theories deem an action morally right if it respects the rights of all persons or members of society. Rights theories was a political philosophy that believes people should be free to do whatever they wish as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. This theory is also called Libertarianism. Contractarianism is considered an action that is morally right if it is in accordance with the rules that rational moral agents would agree to observe upon entering into a social relationship (contract) for mutual benefit. This is also sometimes referred to as Contractualism. Most would not agree upon this theory because it does not have much to do with ethical laws. Monistic deontology has to do with an action that is morally right if it agrees with some at least one deontological principle that guides all other subsidiary principles. So, as long as there is one guide – let’s say that guide is the Bible – you abide with than you are morally right and it would be acceptable. Now there are some problems with the deontological theory. Most of the time there tends to be a conflict of rules. There would be a rule not to lie as well as a rule not to harm any person physically. Those two rules seem pretty easy to abide by right? Well, what if you have to lie in order to not hurt a person? There are some situations that would constitute a confliction of convictions. That is when most would just choose the â€Å"lesser of two evils,† but that would make a person rely on which of the two has the least evil consequence. Therefore, the choice would have been made as a consequentialist or teleological basis rather than a deontological basis. That is where the two collide. Another problem with the deontological moral system is that it does not allow for any grey areas. It is based on absolutes where the morality of an action is never questioned. In most cases we do have conflicting duties and issues that makes decisions difficult to decipher if you are a deontological believer. As well, rules and duties change as time goes by making it difficult to follow all the same rules all the time especially when the consequences change as frequently. Teleology is the study of design and purpose. The root word â€Å"telos† means end or purpose. A teleological based thought is directed toward the end result. Teleology is a more humanistic point of view. It is to do whatever is in the best interest of the being. Teleology deals with foreseeing the consequences rather than just abiding robotically by rules. Thus, when we are making choices that result in the correct consequences, then we are acting morally. When we make choices that result in the incorrect consequences, then we are acting immorally. In order to make moral choices we have to have some understanding of what the result from our choices will be. It is said that there are two types of a final cause: extrinsic and intrinsic finality. Extrinsic finality consists of a person realizing that their purpose is the utility and welfare of other beings. For example, grass is made to grow in order to sustain the life of animals and animals are designed to sustain the life of humans. The intrinsic finality consists of a person realizing that its purpose is directed toward the perfection of its own nature. So, life is given to us and we are intended to behave in certain ways so as to preserve ourselves from death, disease, and pain. Aside from deontological and teleological ethics, there is virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is a virtue-based theory that places less emphasis on what rules people should follow. It instead focuses on helping people develop good character traits. It is believed with virtue ethics that these character traits will, in turn, allow a person to make the correct decisions later on in life. Virtue theorists also emphasize the need for people to learn how to break bad habits of character. These â€Å"bad traits† are called â€Å"vices† and they stand in the way of becoming a good person. I think I would have to more agree with virtue ethics. Since you cannot always follow the rules and still remain constantly moral than why try so hard? Rules do change all the time and you cannot follow every rule all the time. I don’t think someone is unethical simply because they do not keep every rule ever. When it comes to ones duties, I do believe you should adhere to your personal duties and keep your word. So my ethical view wouldn’t be too deontological. I also don’t think I have a teleological view on ethics either. I don’t think you should base your personal code of ethics on what the consequences are going to be. Sometimes the consequences of telling the truth are bad, but you should do it anyway. The end result is not always the most important thing to think about when you are making a moral decision because you do not know the future, and cannot rightfully predict what would happen. So, virtue ethics is where I stand so far. I think as long as you have good character than you will be able to make right choices in life. Ethics has to do with who you are. Research Papers on Deontological the Transition from Private to PublicThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThree Concepts of PsychodynamicDistance Learning Survival GuideSexually Transmitted DiseasesThe Story of Beatrix Potter

Friday, November 22, 2019

Evaluate the recommendation to provide a tax system with a neutral Assignment

Evaluate the recommendation to provide a tax system with a neutral treatment of life-cycle savings for the vast majority of taxpayers (as described in chapter 13) - Assignment Example In order to restore the health of the treasury and the public finances, the government revised the tax structure which aimed at increasing the tax receipts from the public in UK. The income tax, national insurance taxes, value-added tax and the corporation taxes are the largest contributors to the tax receipts of the government (James, 2009, p.74). Thus the modification of the tax structure of UK has implications for the household savings and has affected the life cycle savings of the households. On the same lines, a new higher income rate of 50% has been announced for individuals with income level over 1.47 billion pounds. The tax structure has also removed the income tax personal allowance in order to make for increased payment of taxes by the government. The tax rates for National Insurance have also been increased by 1%. In order to reduce the impacts on the low earning class of people, the threshold for the national insurance have been increased. The tax structure has also aboli shed the reduced rate of value-added taxes that apply to the selected goods and services offered by the producers. The review of the current tax system in UK revealed that the tax structure is costly and not uniform in terms of lifecycle savings of the individuals. The current tax structure urges the individuals and the households to spend earlier in their lives rather than waiting for the later stages. The current tax system has been reviewed to find that it would lead to rising inflation rates in the economy. The current tax system of UK has been reviewed to find that there are varying tax rates of 40%, 50% and 60% for people belonging to various income brackets. The increases in the income tax, national insurance tax, reduction of personal income tax allowance are measures that could excessively reduce the income levels of the economy and could also lead to higher rates of unemployment. Therefore, it has been

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie Review Example I thought the story line to be very interesting because most Indian families are like how Jess’ family was shown. I watched the film by myself but later discussed it with my sister who had the same views as me. Jess was not given chances to be herself and her family was unable to accept that she was different. Her friend Jules mother also thought that Jess and Jules were in a lesbian relationship with each other because they never spent time with boys or doing other stereotypical things that girls are supposed to do. This tells us a lot about how society views a woman in not just the Indian culture but also developed western cultures. This movie is similar to a film called ‘She’s the Man’ set in America where again, a young girl is not given her break to play football and has to fight for her rights and prove to everyone that she is as good as anyone else. This film helps to understand that gender is a social construct and women are not made only for cookin g and cleaning the house; they can have other varied interests too which they should be given a chance to inculcate into their lifestyles and nurture. 39 minutes – Jess’s sister breaks up and Jess is trying to console her while practicing and then the coach comes to her house to talk to her parents 1.12 minutes – Jule’s family takes an interest in football and they’re having a breakfast conversation as her mom tries to learn the game; Jess’ mother prays that her results are good Persepolis, written and directed by Marjane Satrapi is a beautiful account of the life of a young girl as she grows up against the backdrop of the Iran war. As a young girl, she had a number of questions on her mind regarding the war and the consequences it would have on her family. Her parents and her grandmother always protected her so that she would not feel the atrocious effects of the war and later, in order for her to complete her education, they sent her to Fr ance. There, as she grows up into a young lady, she discovers many facets of life by herself with no one to answer her questions. She discovers love and sexuality and also experiments with different kinds of lifestyles, then realizing that she should not give up on her identity, no matter what. Frustrated with herself at times, she finds herself talking to her grandmother in her dreams who helps her get on the right path again. She goes back to Teheran and stays with her parents because she believes that is what will cure her depression. Marjane finds love in her family and soon even gets married. The marriage however ends up in a divorce and she feels that she has more time to study and educate herself and free women around her from the terrible clutches of the patriarchal society that persists in the country. The film ends on a happy note, with Marjane still figuring life out for herself and answering questions regarding why her Uncle gave up his life for the family during the rei gn of the Shah. I loved the manner in which the film was made and even though it was animated it was extremely realistic; Marjane as a woman goes through the journey of life as a vulnerable creature and is wounded many times, however she always gets back on her feet and manages to find answers. The movie was very inspiring and I am sure to suggest it as a must watch to others. 39 minutes – Marjane is sent to France, backdrop of the Teheran war is shown through her

Monday, November 18, 2019

Five Star Beer Breweing--Pay for Performance Case Study Essay

Five Star Beer Breweing--Pay for Performance Case Study - Essay Example There are also cases wherein foreign matters are found inside the beer bottles, even unfilled or short filled and poor labeling and sealing of bottles and cans. In line with increasingly tight competition in the domestic and global markets, Mr. Zhao implemented the â€Å"Pay for Performance† system in order to increase the quality of Five Star beer production. In the process, Mr. Zhao believes that monetary punishment and rewards could be used as a strong incentive to motivate employees work a better performance. China’s new policy is to establish a new social welfare system and implement a state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform will eventually allow the domestic and foreign-funded companies to have a strong control over wages including the power to hire, discipline, and terminate employees. Problems to solve in the case of Five Star Brewing Co. include the production efficiencies particularly on the bottle-filling line where high cases of unfilled or half-filled bottles and cans as well as the packing line where most of misaligned labeling of bottles and cans occurred; the poor sanitation within the rice mill area causing insect infestation and a threat of flammable explosion; and the improvements in the company’s sales force. To solve the problem regarding the company’s bottle-filling line, Mr. Zhao should consider the technical causes that may result to the half-filled or empty sealed bottles and cans including the poor packaging. Considering that the company has been established back in 1915, there is a huge possibility that the company’s machinery used in bottle-filling line and packing line is already obsolete and outdated. In order to improve these technical errors, it is highly recommended that the company should consider investing on a new bottle-filling and packing machinery to improve its efficiency. In the long run, it is possible for the company

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reliance Group | International Business Environment

Reliance Group | International Business Environment The Reliance Group, founded by Late Dhirubhai H. Ambani, and is one of the largest private sector companies in India, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Reliance Groups annual revenues are in excess of US $ 58 billion. Reliance Industries Limited has become a Fortune Global 500 Company. Reliance Group is a highly diversified group and is in to multiproduct business like oil and gas exploration, retail of petro and consumer products and manufacturing of petrochemicals / refining and textile products. Here I have summarised how Globalisation has affected the survival and sustainable development of Reliance Industries Ltd. Reliance Group is a highly diversified group and is in to multiproduct business like oil/gas exploration, retail of petro/consumer products and mfg. of petrochemical/refining and textile products. Here I have summarised how Globalisation has affected the survival and sustainable development of Reliance Industries Ltd. GLOBALISATION If I was to summarise in one word as to what is Globalisation Liberalisation is leading to I will say Competition. Globalisation has a significant impact on entrepreneurial enterprises in many ways. Globalisation provides a great opportunity for entrepreneurial ventures to expand their business internationally. With the help of local governments, large corporations, and international organisations, entrepreneurial enterprises are able to confront the challenges posed by globalisation and economic liberalisation, to improve their competitiveness in the global market, and better serve the global consumers. A number of hypotheses are examined to understand how globalisation has affected the survival and sustainable development of entrepreneurial enterprises. Globalisation has forced Reliance in the following ways It has aligned with the global trends Development policies and compensation systems were put in place. Built leaders within organisation, within this talent pool. International Business Environment affects the development of RIL Exploration and production of oil and gas is critical for Indias energy security and economic growth. India imports almost two-thirds of its crude oil requirement. Reliances oil and gas exploration and production business is therefore inevitably linked with the national imperative. Exploration and production, the initial link in the energy and materials value chain, remains a major growth area and Reliance envisions evolving as a global energy major. With growing competition and ever growing demand for energy, especially from developing countries, the focus is on energy security. Over the years the EP industry has registered significant growth, primarily due to spiralling crude oil and gas prices. RIL began gas production within six and a half years of gas discovery, in comparison to the world average of 9-10 years for similar deep water production facilities. Continuous gas production for about a year, with 100% uptime, once again demonstrates the Companys flawless commissioning and execution capabilities. In April 2010, RIL entered into a joint venture with the USA based Atlas Energy, Inc. (Atlas) under which RIL acquired 40% interest in Atlas core Marcellus Shale acreage position. RIL has become a partner in approximately 300,000 net acres of undeveloped leasehold in the core area of the Marcellus Shale region in south western Pennsylvania for an acquisition cost of $ 339 million and an additional $ 1.36 billion capital costs under a carry arrangement for 75% of Atlass capital costs over an anticipated seven and a half year development programme. Low operating costs and proximity to USA northeast gas markets combine to make the Marcellus Shale region one of the most economically attractive, unconventional natural gas resources play in North America. The acreage will support the drilling of over 3,000 wells with a resource potential of approximately 13.3 Trillion Cubic Feet equivalent (TCFe). While Atlas will serve as the development operator for the joint venture, RIL is expected to become a development operator in certain regions in the coming years in the JV. Atlas will continue acquiring leasehold in the Marcellus Shale region and RIL will have the option to acquire 40% share in all new acreages. RIL also obtained the right of first offer with respect to potential future sales by Atlas of around 280,000 additional Appalachian acres currently controlled by Atlas (not included in the present joint venture). The RIL-Atlas joint venture has the potential to become one of the largest prime acreage holders in the Marcellus Shale region. This joint venture will materially increase RILs resource base and provide an entirely new platform from which to grow its exploration and production business while simultaneously enhancing its ability to operate unconventional projects in the future. Additionally, RIL has farmed out 20% PI in the blocks Borojo North and Borojo South in Colombia; and 30% PI in block 18 and 25% PI in block 41 in Oman. The Regional Government of Kurdistan has assigned third party participating interest of 20% each in blocks Rovi and Sarta to M/s OVM; the assigned agreement is yet to be signed by RIL. RIL now has 13 blocks in its international EP portfolio including 2 in Peru, 3 in Yemen (1 producing and 2 exploratory), 2 each in Oman, Kurdistan and Colombia, 1 each in East Timor and Australia; amounting to a total acreage of over 93,500 sq. kms. Sustainability Strategy adopted/used by RIL in Global Markets Reliance has made sustainable development a cornerstone of its business strategy to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. RIL adopted principle of materiality and prioritized key issues after collective deliberation by management and key stakeholders. These issues include; Energy Security, Health Safety, Corporate Governance and Transparency, Product Responsibility, Climate Change and Waste Management. RIL sustainable development strategy draws on proven technology and risk management framework and evolves from the materiality analysis that has been performing over the years. The focus areas under sustainability development strategy include the following: Energy Security As a company RIL involved in the energy and materials value chain, so it is committed to responsible use of energy. Its systems and processes ensure optimum energy usage by continuous monitoring of all forms of energy and increasing the efficiency of operations. Growth through Innovation RIL firmly believe that growth through innovation will give a big competitive advantage and will be a key differentiator. Companys goal is to make RIL one of the most innovative companies in the world and to achieve breakthrough growth in revenues and profits by creating and implementing sustainable solutions. RIL is developing an innovative ecosystem that builds on organisational systems and processes, talent management, open innovation and world class RD facilities. Health and Safety Safety overrides all production targets this vision drives RIL to continuously look for ways to achieve zero accident at workplace. RILs vision is to develop a dedicated pool of safety professionals and lead in safety performance across its operations by focusing on process safety and behavioural safety.. Environment Protecting the environment and preserving natural resources is a high priority area. Through annual environment plan and business targets, RIL identify projects and take action to reduce water consumption and become carbon neutral and achieve maximum possible recycling and reuse of wastes. RIL set targets for key environment-related performance indicators such as material intensity, GHG emissions, air quality, water consumption, effluent discharge, waste generation and disposal, and conservation of bio-diversity. Product Responsibility For RIL, product responsibility is to offer efficient and reliable product and services with minimum environmental impact throughout the life cycle of the product from the cradle to the grave. Its product and services are designed, manufactured and delivered with principle consideration of customer safety. Social Institution Building Social welfare and community development is at the core of RILs Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy. RILs strategy is to have close and continuous interaction with the people and communities around our manufacturing divisions to bring qualitative changes and support the underprivileged.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Native Son Essays: White Like Me :: Native Son Essays

Native Son:  Ã‚   White Like Me  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Never have I read a book that has so clearly accounted for the African American’s feelings towards white people. The hate that brews inside of the African Americans is unbelievably strong. I am trying to see the racism from the African American’s point of view, rather than the â€Å"white view†Ã‚   I have had my entire life.   I feel guilty, I am afraid, I fear the black man.    The protagonist of the novel is Bigger Thomas. He is from the lowest rung of the American social ladder of Depression-era Chicago: he is black, and he is poor. He has been trapped his whole life by the white society, and he has a burning, eternal hate for them. White people made him live the life he lived. By not letting him become anything but a servant, they led him to a life of crime and hate. For so long, too long, the whites saw every black the same. They were all bad and dirty and awful people. In turn, Bigger saw all whites as being bad. To him, every white man is out to hurt him. He returns the racist attitude presented to him by all of the white folk. He does not know how else to act. He only does what he knows how to do. He follows the white man’s example. Bigger proves, though, that he can change. He is willing to learn and to change. He proves that he can be taught, that he is not just an ignorant Negro. Jan Erlone and Boris Max helped him to see this. They encoura ged Bigger to fight and to believe in himself as a human. Bigger begins to see that â€Å"whiteness† is really individual people, and racial conflicts aren’t simply â€Å"whiteness† vs. â€Å"blackness.† He gives Max more of a chance than a whole society gave him. Everyone automatically assumed that Bigger raped and murdered Mary; their minds never were really open to anything else. Bigger opened his mind. He gave white folk a chance. Max treated him like a man, a person, and Bigger was grateful for that and he let Max know that by talking to him. If only the white folk could have realized that they needed to give him a chance. Had they treated him like a human being then maybe he would have told them all they wanted to know. Free Native Son Essays: White Like Me :: Native Son Essays Native Son:  Ã‚   White Like Me  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Never have I read a book that has so clearly accounted for the African American’s feelings towards white people. The hate that brews inside of the African Americans is unbelievably strong. I am trying to see the racism from the African American’s point of view, rather than the â€Å"white view†Ã‚   I have had my entire life.   I feel guilty, I am afraid, I fear the black man.    The protagonist of the novel is Bigger Thomas. He is from the lowest rung of the American social ladder of Depression-era Chicago: he is black, and he is poor. He has been trapped his whole life by the white society, and he has a burning, eternal hate for them. White people made him live the life he lived. By not letting him become anything but a servant, they led him to a life of crime and hate. For so long, too long, the whites saw every black the same. They were all bad and dirty and awful people. In turn, Bigger saw all whites as being bad. To him, every white man is out to hurt him. He returns the racist attitude presented to him by all of the white folk. He does not know how else to act. He only does what he knows how to do. He follows the white man’s example. Bigger proves, though, that he can change. He is willing to learn and to change. He proves that he can be taught, that he is not just an ignorant Negro. Jan Erlone and Boris Max helped him to see this. They encoura ged Bigger to fight and to believe in himself as a human. Bigger begins to see that â€Å"whiteness† is really individual people, and racial conflicts aren’t simply â€Å"whiteness† vs. â€Å"blackness.† He gives Max more of a chance than a whole society gave him. Everyone automatically assumed that Bigger raped and murdered Mary; their minds never were really open to anything else. Bigger opened his mind. He gave white folk a chance. Max treated him like a man, a person, and Bigger was grateful for that and he let Max know that by talking to him. If only the white folk could have realized that they needed to give him a chance. Had they treated him like a human being then maybe he would have told them all they wanted to know.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Psychological factors

Games Psychological factors Prepared by: Mohamed Diab Computer games are popular because they affect us emotionally, in a similar way to films and music. Just as a horror movie makes you feel scared, a survival horror computer game can terrify you too. In some ways the game makes it feel more real because you are controlling the character, so what happens to the character can feel like it is happening to you. Games designers use the psychological factors to improve their games and make the experience of playing them more memorable.It can be one very simply and subtly, or it can be done in a very obvious way, depending on the needs of the game. Use of Sound Sound can make you feel lots of different things – it can make you feel happy, sad, scared, brave. There isn't a single human emotion that hasn't been represented in music or sound effects at some point in our history. Games designers use this to their advantage and there will be an audio designer whose role is to pick the s ound effects and musical scores that are used throughout a game. High-pitched, fast-paced music or sound effects tend to make you feel more excited and as if you are in the middle of the ction.Platform games and racing games use these features to add to the game's excitement and pace. Page 2 of 10 Horror games use string instruments such as violins and the sound of creaking floor boards to make people feel tense in the same way that a horror movie does. High Score Listings anyone except the computer. Even multiplayer games were usually limited to two people. Single-player games today are often driven by the storyline and the player will continue playing to the end in order to find out what happens. In more basic games, however, this is not the case.The high score table or list becomes the otivation to play again and again. If you feel compelled to improve your high score then you will keep on playing the game until you succeed and this means that you will get more game-play for your money. A high score list is an alternative to the storyline as a motivator for playing a game repeatedly. Some recent games, especially sports games and casual games, still include high score lists and you often have the option to publish your score on line through the game so that you can compare yours to those of people across the world.In many FPS (first person shooter) games that ave online multiplayer settings, you can have a world ranking which shows you how well you are doing in a similar way to a high score list. Page 3 of 10 Competitive Games Competition with others is a driving factor that makes people try to improve their skills and abilities. High score lists will encourage you to compete against yourself, but competitive games where you play against other people will make you even more motivated to improve. Throughout our history there are examples of people competing against each other in order to prove that they are the best at something.The most wellknown example is he Olympic Games, where people come together from every country in the world to compete, and the event generates a lot of international goodwill and excitement. Inevitably there are occasions when people become over-competitive and the desire to win becomes a negative rather than positive motivation. On the whole, however, competition teaches people to be good losers, to push themselves and to analyse their skills and formulate plans to improve those skills.These are all positive attributes that make an individual successful in the world of work and are undeniably associated with being successful at computer games. Page 4 of 10 Since online multiplayer games have become mainstream, people have enjoyed playing a range of different games against friends or strangers. Some of the consoles that are aimed at younger children, such as the Nintendo† Wii or DS, restrict online play to those who are known to the player in day-to-day life rather than introducing them to people through the game that they have never met face to face.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ways to Serve Others This Christmas

Ways to Serve Others This Christmas Christmas is the season of giving; since our schedules offer so much flexibility, homeschooling families often have the availability to give back to their community during the holiday season. If you and your family have been considering service opportunities, try any of these 11 ways to serve others this Christmas. Serve Meals at a Soup Kitchen Call your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter to schedule a time to go serve meals. You might also inquire if they are low on any specific supply needs. This time of year many organizations host food drives, so their pantry may be full, but there may be other items that need to be restocked such as bandages, blankets, or personal hygiene items. Sing Carols at a Nursing Home Gather your family and a few friends to go sing Christmas carols at a nursing home. Ask if it’s okay to bring baked goods or wrapped candy to share with the residents. Spend some time before you go making homemade Christmas homemade cards to deliver or buy a box of assorted cards to share. Sometimes nursing homes are overwhelmed with groups that want to visit during the holiday season, so you may want to see if there are other ways that you can help or better times to visit. Adopt Someone Choose a child, grandparent, single mom, or family who is struggling this year and purchase gifts or groceries or deliver a meal. If you don’t know someone personally, you can ask local agencies and organizations that work with needy families. Pay Someone’s Utility Bill Inquire at the utility company to see if you can pay the electric, gas, or water bill for someone who is struggling. Due to privacy factors, you may not be able to pay a specific bill, but there is often a fund to which you can donate. You might also check with the Department of Family and Children’s Services. Bake a Meal or Treats for Someone Leave a little snack bag in the mailbox with a note for your mail carrier, or put a basket of snacks, soft drinks, and bottled water on the porch with a note inviting delivery people to help themselves. That’s sure to be a greatly appreciated gesture during the busy holiday season You can also call your local hospital and see if you could deliver a meal or snacks and drinks to the ICU waiting room or hospitality room for the families of patients. Leave a Generous Tip for Your Server at Restaurants We sometimes hear of people leaving a tip of $100 or even $1000 or more. That’s fantastic if you can afford to do that, but just tipping above the traditional 15-20% can be greatly appreciated during the holiday season.   Donate to the Bell Ringers The men and women ringing bells in front of stores are often recipients of the services offered by the organization for whom they’re collecting. The donations are typically used to operate homeless shelters and after-school and substance abuse programs and to provide meals and toys to needy families at Christmas. Help the Homeless Consider making bags to give out to homeless people. Fill a gallon-size storage bag with items such as gloves, a beanie, small juice boxes or water bottles, non-perishable ready-to-eat food items, lip balm, facial tissues, restaurant gifts cards, or prepaid phone cards. You might also consider giving blankets or a sleeping bag. Perhaps an even better way to help the homeless community is to  contact an organization that works directly with the homeless  and find out what they need. Often, these organizations can stretch monetary donations farther by purchasing in bulk or working with complementary organizations. Do Housework or Yard Work for Someone Rake leaves, shovel snow, clean house, or do laundry for someone who could use the extra help. You might consider a sick or elderly neighbor or a new or single parent. Obviously, you’ll have to make arrangements to do housework, but yard work can be done as a complete surprise. Take a Hot Beverage to People Working in the Cold Police officers directing traffic, mail carriers, bell ringers, or anyone else working out in the cold this Christmas season will appreciate a cup of hot cocoa, coffee, tea, or cider. Even if they don’t drink it, they’ll enjoy using it as a hand warmer for a little while.   Pay for Someone’s Meal at a Restaurant Paying for someone’s meal in a restaurant or the car behind you in the drive-thru is a fun random act of kindness any of time of year, but it’s often especially appreciated at Christmas when money is  tight for  many families.   Whether youre investing your time, your financial resources, or both to serve others this holiday season, youll likely find that its you and your family who are blessed by serving others.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Establishing A New Budget Process Accounting Essay Example

Establishing A New Budget Process Accounting Essay Example Establishing A New Budget Process Accounting Essay Establishing A New Budget Process Accounting Essay In set uping a new budget procedure, there are important things that should be taking into consideration. The budget procedure provides the medium for finding what authorities services will be provided and how they will be financed, ( Mikesell, 2007:31 ) . The legislative and executive subdivisions have to pass on to make an effectual budget system. The map of a budget procedure is to possess financial control and subject, set strategic precedences, and make an efficient execution of the budget. Division of Powers The budget procedure would be modeled after the federal and other province budgets since they already have an equal foundation of cheques and balances. The first measure is the readying of the budget by the executive subdivision. In the readying phase, the executive subdivision collects petitions such as aˆÂ ¦inputs from operating bureaus, plan staff, and particular undertaking forces, the budget office prepares recommendations for the executive budget, ( Forsythe, 2004:20 ) . The 2nd measure is the acceptance of the budget. In the acceptance phase, Congress has a opportunity to measure and change the budget. After changes, legislators will vote to hold the budget implemented. In most provinces, the governor can so do farther alterations through a line-item veto, ( Forsythe, 2004:20 ) . The concluding measure is theA executionA of the budget. In the executing phase, the budget goes into consequence at the beginning of the financial year.A With the inadvertence from the budget office, bureaus implement disbursement cuts or new plans, assistance payments are made under revised expression, and alterations in revenue enhancements take consequence, ( Forsythe, 2004:20 ) . If any accommodation needs to be made, after execution, the budget officer will do them by supervising the budget. Functions in Budget The primary participants in put to deathing a budget are runing bureaus, main executive, and legislators. The operating bureaus spend money for the bringing of authorities services. The bureaus focus on the patronage they serve, ( Mikesell, 2007:62 ) . The main executive office hires budgets specializers to execute the undertaking on behalf of the executive subdivision. Budget analysts are to be consistent with the main executive office and equilibrate the budget. Whereas bureaus have a clientele orientation, the main executive must equilibrate the involvements of the entire population, ( Mikesell, 2007:63 ) . Legislators are non focused on an, overall position of bureaus or bureaus plan. The legislators are concentrating on their components, who they represent, which is a narrow part of the population. In order to be elected, legislators need to take attention of the components precedences. Budget Format To make a budget that establishes answerability and controllability that has equal flexibleness in doing budget determinations, a combination of public presentation and policy/planning attack is in order. With the policy/planning attack added to the public presentation budget, lawgivers can hold answerability and control with sufficient flexibleness in budget determinations. In the visible radiation of big literature on public presentation budget reforms in the last two decennaries, as explained in the undermentioned paragraphs, it is observed that public presentation budget reform can heighten communicating between budget histrions, better public direction in footings of efficiency and effectivity, ease more informed budgetary decision-making, and achieve high transparence and answerability, ( Shah and Shen 2007:151 ) . The budget format will assist the authorities to communicates and trust with their components. Common Schemes When covering with budgets, the authorities must non undervalue or overrate the allowances and disbursals, disregarding the demand for nest eggs, overlooking the unanticipated events, misidentifying annual disbursals, and neglecting small but important information. If the authorities follows these schemes, so it will make a more unafraid budget. One of the first schemes that need to be taken is cultivation of an active patronage for aid in covering with both legislative assembly and the main executive, ( Mikesell, 2007:64 ) . With the coaction, electives functionaries are guaranting disbursals be prepared within the degree of appropriation, in aA methodA that comply with statute law aim, guarantying the greatest efficiency in supplying plan, and undertakings to the citizens. The 2nd most good scheme is to hold the bureau make assurance between authorities functionaries and statute law. Confidence is critical because, in the budget procedure, many elements of plan defence must deduce from the judgements of the decision makers, ( Mikesell, 2007:65 ) . It isA extremelyA significantA that they have assurance since it leads to swear. In decision, it isA essentialA to hold aA proactiveA budgetA withA coaction that acknowledges be aftering, control, andA evaluationA are different ( necessitating different tools ) . The budget should be a logical and realisticA that concentrates on the resources that components need. The executive subdivision shouldA createA multi-year budgets to run into deadlines and ensureA awarenessA of future disbursals. The budget should be easier to pull off, by the decrease of histories. The ground why the authorities should follow these recommendations is that it holds them more responsible. Question # 5 Individual Income revenue enhancements are one of the most hard revenue enhancements to roll up. One of the ways to roll up revenue enhancements includes the authorities altering Torahs to guarantee that taxpayers are paying their revenue enhancements. Lawgivers can writeA legislationA that would penalize persons that cheat on their revenue enhancements. In some instances, a signifier ofA punishmentA should beA severeA such asA captivity. In add-on, the Internal Revenue Service canA enhanceA their plans to increase aggregation. The bureau proceeded with aggressive chase of these aims, and shortly congressional hearings showed dissatisfaction with avid attempts to better conformity and media histories of taxpayer torment, ( Mikesell, 2007:222 ) . One of the disadvantages to roll uping revenue enhancements is the economic deformation. Economic deformation gives the authorities theA privilegeA of penalizing or rewardingA certainA concern, industries and persons. This can ensue in concerns traveling to other states, where their concerns receive revenue enhancement advantages. This brings considerable economic loss to the state and decay in the competitory place of American concerns in the universe economic system, ( Mikesell, 2007:339 ) . Government should notA discourageA competition in the state because it helps the economic system, promote buyerA buying power, and assistance in the trade shortage. Since most people do non to the full grok the revenue enhancement system, people are non obliged to follow with the system. Voluntary conformity is higher, regardless of enforcement T attempt by the revenue enhancement governments, if taxpayers understand what they are supposed to make to follow, ( Mikesell, 2007:497 ) . Merely a little group of experts canA fullyA understand the complexness of the revenue enhancement system. The single income revenue enhancement is so complicated that it violates the transparence. Simplification would do the revenue enhancement more transparent and would cut down its aggregation costs, ( Mikesell, 2007:338 ) . Furthermore, citizens demand more transparence. If there more transparence, so people are less likely toA avoidA their revenue enhancements. When people know where there money is traveling, citizens are more likely to pay their revenue enhancements. Peoples would be willing to for services they believe in such as military, instruction, and other services. The authorities should get down by simplifying the revenue enhancement codification. The authorities should besides increase transparence and encourage concern to pay their revenue enhancements by inducements. This would promote taxpayers to pay their revenue enhancements. Question # 7 With mounting federal shortages, the authorities is seeking to happen ways to cutA plans and acquire eliminate of extra waste. Performance budget is utilized as a usher to bring out waste and cut down disbursals. In add-on, aˆÂ ¦public functionaries [ might see this budget ] as a manner to warrant their parts to the community and perchance to spread out their budgets, ( Mikesell, 2007:205 ) . Some advantages to this budget formatA include commanding costs and gauging future disbursals. On the other manus, the disadvantages include the cost associated with this type of budget format, and it does non see whether the activityA is worth it or non. Another disadvantage is politicians being informal with the budget because they do non utilize it frequently. Even though the authorities usage this budget format, it is difficult to mensurate the consequences. Unless the authorities truly will utilize them as an built-in portion of public direction and decision-making, they are non lik ely to be a worthy usage of authorities resources, ( Mikesell, 2007: 205 ) . The usage of public presentation measuring in budgeting entails alterations in authoritiess operations, forces, constructions, and even civilizations which ever lead to a power battle and power transportation and, therefore, opposition from those who are negatively affected, ( Shah and Shen 2007: 24 ) . If lawgivers are concentrating on budget reconciliation and being responsible for outgos of publicA budgeting, so they will take different budget formats that can be easy influenced and analyze all parts of outgos and grosss. There is a power displacement from legislators to the executive subdivision. As a consequence of the power-shift, authorities should do certain legislators still contribute to the procedure ofA the budgetA to guarantee success. With components desiring toA holdA their elected functionaries more answerability, the authorities must seek for ways to do the components content. In order to run into these demands, the authoritiess have been more incline to utilize public presentation budget. Supplying information about public sector public presentation can fulfill the populace s demand to cognize, and could besides be a utile tool for authoritiess to measure their public presentation, ( Public Affairs Division, Public Affairs and Communications Directorate, 2008 ) . Performance budgeting is a tool used to mensurate consequences, while bettering efficiency. Performance budgets emphasize agency-activity public presentation aims and achievements, non the purchase of resources. Budgets present the cost of executing measureable accomplishment units during the budget twelvemonth, so the budget procedure has the double function of supplying financess and set uping public presentation aims, ( Mikesell, 2002:201 ) .

Monday, November 4, 2019

Gun Control-Argumentative Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gun Control-Argumentative Paper - Essay Example Proponents of gun control passionately argue that allowing every American to carry guns will only cause more harm than good (Crooker 13). I completely disagree with these sentiments because I believe that gun control is not right for America. Reasons for Gun Control Legislation According to Crooker, one of the main arguments of gun control proponents is that it curbs access by persons who are not supposed to have access to firearms such as juveniles, criminals and high-risk individuals. They argue that the only way to curb accessibility of guns and firearms by such groups of people can only be possible through federal legislations. Many of those who support the idea of federal restrictions of gun ownership actually do not dispute the fact that it is the right of every American citizen to own a gun. However, they point out that the right to bear such firearms should be negotiable. This, they say, will help in minimizing the increasing rate of gun crime (22). Proponents of gun control legislation also point out that regulating gun ownership does not have to affect law abiding citizens. They say that the regulations are for criminals and other individuals who would feel inclined to use guns for destructive reasons (Wuest 121). They also argue that gun control measures would stop individuals from purchasing what are considered to be dangerous guns, such as those used for military and other high risk operations. They also argue that guns pose a lot more danger to the owner than to a potential threat. Many claim that owning a gun puts the owner and his family at risk because of the possible accidents that might happen (Spitzer 46). Reasons against Gun Control Measures The constitution of the United States allows every eligible American to own a gun. Proponents of gun rights argue that if the constitution gives individuals the freedom to own guns, then there are should be no one to take away this right (Wuest 113). They emphasize on the importance of gun ownership as a useful means of personal defense in case of an attack. While the law does not allow the common law abiding citizen to freely purchase guns, thugs are continually procuring all sorts of high caliber firearms illegally. The balance here is tipped in the favor of the thug who is not afraid to use his gun to achieve whatever he wants, including killing an innocent citizen. If gun laws allowed individuals to own firearms legally, people would have live more secure lives since they would be empowered to defend themselves using those guns (Crooker 110). Spitzer says that some of the proponents of gun rights also argue that allowing widespread gun ownership is not only a true and tested means of curbing gun crime, it is also an effective way of checking tyranny in the government. The people’s government would not dare impose unjust leadership because the citizens would have the power to overthrow it. According to supporters of gun rights, unrestricted gun ownership can make people live more responsible lives. If someone knows that he has a gun in his house, he will not act in a way that will result in the careless handling of the firearm (50). I agree with the proponents of gun rights because I believe that every American citizen should enjoy the right to own guns as the constitution allows them to. Gun control measure

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Promotional techniques Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Promotional techniques - Coursework Example Section-A: Advertising and Design: 1. Target Market Profile: The products of MAC target a wide range of consumers that encompasses people of all age groups, cultural and economic backgrounds and gender. However, they accord significance to working with children and families. Therefore, their target market is quite wide and diversified and they will have to incorporate variety in their products and well as promotional techniques. On the other hand, due to their emphasis on children, youngsters and families, their strategies will also have to be devised to appeal to this segment of audience. Thus, while designing product promotion strategies and visual ad materials, they have to make sure that these things appeal to the whole range of their target market. 2. Product Differentiation: In the case of MAC, product differentiation is a key component for them to gain access to a wide variety of consumers whose spatial recognition, aesthetical perceptions and expectation of quality vary drast ically. Spatial recognition plays a major role in the case of art and evidence suggests that spatial differentiation leads to â€Å"greater product differentiation† (Datta & Sudhir 2012: 2). So far it relates to products such as arts and arts classes, the expectations of MAC’s audience vary drastically. ... Ads of this nature are highly effective not only in informing and educating the consumers but also to â€Å"manipulate and persuade† them (637). Taking into consideration the target audience of MAC, which encompasses people of all ages and backgrounds, above line ad can be an effective means to introduce and strengthen their brand as well as to create â€Å"favourite images† constantly in the minds of the consumers (637). As can be discerned from the Target Market Character Profile Assessment (CPA) sheet, a major portion of the consumers for MAC falls in category that views visual media at a higher rate. Thus, the most appropriate option for promoting their products is through television advertisement. This will enable them to access a large segment of the audience such as children and youngsters who are their main focus as well as adults including elders. The rate of consumption of TV of all categories of the target audience is quite high and hence TV ads will enable t he company to make their product to reach to almost hundred percent of the population. On the other hand, it is relevant that though it is primarily locality based, MAC belongs to the category of a tourist attraction and therefore their products have relevance to audience at national and international levels. Thus, ad campaigns through national television networks will enable the company to access an audience from the domestic market as well as those who come to England for business or tourism purposes. Another major above the line ad platform for this company could be the print media such as news papers and magazines. Ads in this media will enable them to access a major portion of the audience such as elder people, adults as well as